
Encouraging Daily Practice

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養和齋    於加州


A disciple mentioned difficult situations in life in an email, I replied as follows, encouraging continuation of daily Dharma practice:

All situations and environments in the torrent of life are not subject to personal choosing and, also, could hardly be avoided, hence, one could only cultivate one′s own behaviour, speech, and intentions. If one intends to change others, then it would only lead to endless entanglement.

Thinking around oneself cannot result in emancipation, therefore, one could only stem from experiences of human suffering to engage in Dharma practice with single-minded aspiration toward the enlightenment of all sentient beings, so as to gradually attain emancipation.

The root of emancipation is the comprehension that all direct experiences is the sole reality, and yet this reality is evolving, impermanent, and cannot be grasped.

However, the base of direct experiences is perpetual clarity without specific content. Provided that one does not entangle oneself in emotions and thoughts, all are instantly vanishing.

This is the fundamental realization for attaining emancipation.

To be able to abide in such immediate emancipation, one needs to rely on daily adherence to regular Dharma practice, and thereby gradually become free from the habitual tendency to entangle in behaviours and mental activities, and only then could full emancipation be realized.


October 24, 2022
El Cerrito, California




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