Three-dimensional Expansion

Yutang Lin

Guru taught to visualize one Mandala turn into five
Front, back, left and right, incessantly increasing
Five as one unit, adding upper and lower layers
Three-dimensional expansion to fulfill Dharmadhatu


Guru Chen taught the following visualization for offering of Mandala: Visualize the actual Mandala as at the center, and at its front, back, left and right there appears an identical Mandala. Then, taking these five Mandalas as one unit at the center, again visualize that there appears identical five Mandalas at its front, back, left and right. Thus repeating the process until the whole Dharmadhatu is fulfilled with Mandalas. For details, see my work, The First Steps of Vajrayana.

Here I am offering the following enriching visualization as follows:
One actual Mandala is to be visualized into five Mandalas as described above, then taking these five Mandalas as one unit, visualize that two layers of identical five Mandalas appear above it and two layers of identical five Mandalas appear below it. And then, taking these five layers of total twenty-five Mandalas as one unit, visualize expansion in four directions, and then in upper and lower layers as previously described. Repeating these processes of visualization incessantly until the whole Dharmadhatu is fulfilled with Mandalas.

This enriching visualization, when compared with the "two-dimensional expansion" visualization as taught by Guru Chen, may be called a "three-dimensional expansion" visualization, and it seems to be an easier approach to achieve fulfilling the Dharmadhatu with Mandalas in visualization.

In the past when I was offering Mandalas I had thought of this enriching visualization method. Today is lunar 25th, and while I was offering Mandala I thought of this method again, so I wrote it down as offering to Tantric practitioners.

Written in Chinese and translated on October 13, 2009
El Cerrito, California

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